
First course “Azbuka Interneta” (ABC of Internet) for people aged 50+ was launched in Amasia. This was the second similar course conducted in Armenian: the first one had started in the city of Alaverdi. Courses in Armenian language were organized by the “Rostelecom” in Armenia in the scope of cooperation with the Word Vision Armenia.
Training courses were held in computer classes of the local library by the young volunteers from World Vision Armenia regional programs.
Before the courses volunteers took part in the short training-course on specificity and approach in teaching the elderly, where they were informed of the psychological and methodological-nuances available.
“Taking into consideration the number of registered citizens, the courses in Amasia will continue. The classes have about 10 participants for the most efficiency, so all those interested can register for further courses as well.
The registered “students” were teachers, engineers, medical workers, people with other specialties, and this is an indicator of high demand and importance of the course within professionals in the region” said representative of “Rostelecom” in Armenia Siranush Gyurjinyan.
The aim of the course is to promote the development of computer and Internet skills among middle-aged and 50+ age people. The total duration of course is about 12 teaching hours. The group includes 10 participants aged 50+. The courses in Armenian were held for the first time in Amasia and Alaverdi.
In 2015-2016, the program was implemented in Armenia jointly with the Russian Center of Science and Culture of Yerevan in computer room of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Yerevan branch. The guideline for the courses (“Azbuka Interneta”) in designed in Russia and was translated into Armenian in 2017.