(+374 60) 46 46 46info@rtarmenia.am


New 4D offer from Rostelecom and VivaCell-MTS. Join the 4D offer for 1 year and get high-speed internet, Smart TV, fixed telephony, mobile internet and mobile voice services in 1 comfortable package, with a monthly fee of 9900 AMD.


Service Package4D
Fixed Services


28 Mbs

Wi-Fi Opportunity


Smart IPTV**

Minimum 55 channels


7 days

Fixed Telephony (to RA fixed networks)

200 minutes

Mobile Services

Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger, Zangi, Telegram (internet limit)



5 GB***

Calls to RA Networks****


ON-Net Calls****


SMS (to RA GSM Networks)


Monthly Fee

9900 AMD


Conditions after consuming Fixed services

To RA fixed networks

5 AMD/minute

To RA Mobile networks

19 AMD/minute

To NKR fixed networks

18 AMD/minute

To NKR mobile networks

35 AMD/minute


Conditions after consuming Mobile services

ON-net calls

15 AMD/minute

To RA Mobile networks
To RA fixed networks

35 AMD/minute

To 374 97 mobile network
To 374 47 fixed network

15 AMD/minute

To MTS - Russia 
(form - 77 00 [country code] [number])

30 AMD/minute

SMS to RA mobile networks


SMS to the other networks




All prices are presented in AMD, including VAT.

* In the scope of 4D offer the speed of fixed internet is 14 Mbs. By joining to 4D package the subscriber gets double speed of internet (28 Mbs) for 1 year, starting from the date of subscription.

** The channel list of 4D is not stable and can be changed at any time by Rostelecom. By joining 4D, channel package “Additional 10”  of Rostelecom will be added to the main list of TV channels (included in 4D) for 1 year, starting from the date of subscription. 55 channels mentioned above is the summary of the channels included in 4D and “Additional 10”. Find out the channel list here.

*** After consumption of the 5 GB internet package, a 500 MB additional package is automatically activated upon the availability of the subscriber’s account balance. The 500 MB package is available for 24 hours from the moment of activation. For checking the balance of packages provided by the current tariff plan send the command *209#.

**** The included minutes can be used by making ON-net calls, calls to RA mobile and fixed networks, +374 97, +374 47 networks USA, Canada and MTS-Russia.

4D - Terms and Conditions