On May 31, 2019 Armenia Art Fair unique cultural event was officially launched presenting curators and exhibitions from Caucasus, Europe, Middle East and the USA.
The second Art Fair project focused on supporting young artists, creating art market and developing art education in Armenia. Armenia Art Fair empowered contemporary Armenian artists from Armenia and abroad, as well as artists from post-Soviet region, Middle East and East Europe.
Part of the Art Fair that explored the evolvement of two spheres – “Art and Technology” , was sponsored by “Rostelecom” Armenia, one of the leaders in telecommunication sphere.
“Technological solutions in art are inevitable like creative thinking in technologies. Art and technologies are entangled and inseparable parts of our lives, and it is very interesting to experience the interaction, of this two very important areas for humanity in different countries during such well-organized events as Art Fair”, - mentioned the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia Hayk Faramazyan.
“Art and Technology” events were designed to introduce the impact of new technologies on art and culture, of Armenia – a country with strong scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical (STEM) potential.

- On May 27-30 Polish artist Przemislaw Jasielski carried out a workshop at TUMO Center for Creative Technologies. As a result, the installation made with kids was presented at Yerevan Expo exhibition from May 31 to June 3.
- On June 2 a voice performance entitled “There is Bird in the Forest” in combination with live and electronic music was held in the scope of Art Fair.
- On June 2 -lecture-discussion was held at the National Gallery of Armenia including the presentation of Po Garcia (Spain), Co-Founder of Domestic Data Streamers Studio on many case studies about the physical presentation of art and data, and how it can help people explore the meaning behind each number.
- On May 26 Audio-visual performance with technological solutions was held by Dzaynalab art, science and technology experimental platform.
The aim of Armenia Art Fair is to raise awareness about art, to encourage art investment in Armenia and the region, to share the best experience in the field of art and to promote cultural diversity at the same time supporting art education.
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia, the Delegation of the EU to Armenia, Ameriabank were among the sponsors of Art Fair. The Goethe Center in Yerevan, Artprice, Artterritory other institutions and organizations were partnering the event as well.