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From March 19 onwards “Rostelecom” in Armenia in cooperation with the Ministry of education, science, culture and sport of RA, presents a ne educational Hybrid Edu TV channel (ch. 121), which will be broadcasted on company’s Smart Television.

The channel program of Hybrid Edu includes video materials about many educational subjects, which are possible to watch with 7-day catch-up possibility.

Those who will not manage to watch the air or want to strengthen the educational materials can watch the TV channel content with separate subsections on the educational platform of Series section of company’s Smart Television.
“We are happy to support the important process of realization of distance education in our country, and the best professionals and teachers have joined it. Given the current situation it is very important to unite all powers and secure the continuity of educational processes in all educational institutes. We exhort everybody to use each tool – videocalls, social media platforms, e-mails, etc, to make the process more productive and secure the incessancy of lessons. “Rostelecom” in Armenia is completely ready with its technological potenitial to serve any kind of electronic service, that is used in educational and other spheres”,- mentioned the CEO of “Rostelecom” in Armenia Hayk Faramazyan.

The everyday schedule is updated beforehand on the official Facebook page of MESCS of RA.

The MESCS of RA has also launched a new platform for resources of distance education heravar.armedu.am (https://heravar.armedu.am/), where a range of online resources and tools are published.

The video materials are being constantly replenished and uploaded on special YouTube channel – armeduchannel ։ (https://www.youtube.com/user/armeduchannel)