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On July 29, 2019 “Rostelecom” Armenia summed up the results of the annual student project “New opportunities for students-5” at the company’s headquarters at the certificate awarding ceremony.

In 2019 about 20 students who managed to overcome the election stage were able pt participate in the project. Students were representing different universities: Yerevan State University (YSU), National Polytechnic University of Armenian (NPUA), Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), American University of Armenia (AUA), Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography (YSITC), Crisis Management State Academy (CMSA). Like in previous years the range of students’ specialties was very diverse – Informatics, Management, Radio 

Engineering and Communication, Crisis Management, Theatrical Art, Philology, other adjacent directions, which made the intercommunication even more interesting and meaningful.

“Due to such projects we give young specialists the opportunity to enter the inner ecosystem of such large companies as “Rostelecom”, to get acquainted with the corporate culture, communicate with experienced specialists, and why not to express their inner potential. We often see that due to the project today’s students are a few steps ahead of their peers when they get to work and are successful in their jobs, startups or other initiatives. At the same time, we are happy that young generation will join our staff at the end of the project, they have aspiration, fresh approache and ideas, know how to reach their goals, and are individuals. Congratulations to the winner and welcome to “Rostelecom”, -mentioned the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia Hayk Faramazyan. 

The student program included interactive tutorial and cognitive trainings about almost all directions of corporate activities, starting from Communications, Marketing, Branding, Legal Formulations, Sales skills, Public Relations, Peculiarities of labor market, up to Optics, Network solutions and other interesting directions. In the framework of the project students got acquainted not only with “Rostelecom” management, but also with corporate culture and principles of the company.

“The project has been realized already for the fifth time uniting people of different professions around one idea. There is no clearly set way to become a winner. The participants can take risks, present courageous and innovative solutions, reassessing their own abilities. From our side we support them by providing knowledge base and regular consultations with experienced specialists. As a result, every year at least 4 or 5 participants of the project join our team as an employee, and for the others I’m sure that it is an interesting experience and they have good memories about “Rostelecom”, - Head of HR Department of Rostelecom Armenia Ani Grigoryan.

Apart from the seminars participants have individual and group projects, learning the peculiarities of team work, obtaining skills of offering joint solutions and overcoming difficulties.

The project participants were also motivated by the prize – the opportunity to pass a three-month paid internship at Rostelecom, which in case of good results may turn into a permanent job offer. Moreover, the participant will choose the department.

The winner of “New Opportunities for Students-5” was Nelli Papazyan, student from the Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Yerevan State University (YSU).
Like in previous projects, students with creative thinking, flexibility, team spirit, knowledge, quick orientation ability also got job offers.

“Rostelecom” organized the project for the fifth time. Many participants from previous projects still work in IT Security, Network Planning, Sales, Customer Care and other departments. They mention that this is a unique opportunity for any student to learn about the business processes and culture of large companies, and the most important, to work in such a company as “Rostelecom”.