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On November 5, 2019 “Rostelecom” hosted the members of team “Minders” and representatives from “Ayb” educational foundation at the company headquarters. The team was to represent Armenia during the international stage of World Robot Olympiad (WRO) 2019 later in Hungary.

The teens will travel to city Gyor (Hungary) to represent Armenia and to become part of the international stage of World Robot Olympiad (WRO) on November 8-102019. The Olympiad will bring together 423 teams from 73 countries to enjoy the contest. Since 2016 the international contest national stage is also held in Armenia, and the representative and the only official organizer is “Ayb” educational foundation.

“Rostelecom” Armenia supports WRO in Armenia and the participation of the winning team in the international stage since 2018.

“We are happy to host you in our office. The participation in such international Olympiads is a significant achievement and experience for anybody. This is the second year we partner “Ayb” and I am sure that the participation in international platforms is another opportunity to represent Armenia, the creative minds of Armenian youth and at the same time to bring new ideas and technological solutions to Armenia. I wish you success in Hungary, as well as new achievements in your further engineering education and career development”, - mentioned the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia Hayk Faramazyan during the meeting with teens, in addition mentioning that robotics is one of the dynamically developing fields of engineering. 

The executive director of “Ayb” educational foundation Sona Koshetsyan mentioned that it is one of their main goals to provide Armenian children the opportunity to represent Armenia in various competitions and platforms and mostly international ones. “I am sure, that participating in WRO these children will not only practice their skills at a new level, but also will make the acquired experience, skills and enthusiasm a benchmark for their future to achieve new goals and results”,-mentioned Sona Koshetsyan. In this context, the Director considered the efficiency of cooperation with “Rostelecom”: “More and more children are interested in robotics and new ideas every day. I hope that it is these children that will change the way our country is evolving, in this particular case making our city “smarter””, - Sona Koshetsyan encouraged the leaving team.

The World Robot Olympiad 2019 is devoted to Smart cities. Participant teams design, build and program robots that will solve problems arising in real life.

“Ayb” educational foundation held the national stage of World Robot Olympiad on June 23. At the end of the competition, the team “Minders” (representing “Mind Center” educational center) showed the best results. Two Davits  and Levon, the team members, continued practicing with their coach Davit Manucharyan and will soon participate in the international stage. Summer was also a period of challenges for the team and the boys took part in WRO Friendship Challenge in Arhus, Denmark as well together with 5 teams from WRO national stage. Among the teams from 42 countries, they took the 16th place.

Since 2016 the Olympiad is held in Armenia. It encourages the teaching and learning of robotics, programming, engineering at schools, and provides a chance for Armenian students to represent their skills in international prestigious competitions and Olympiads.

About World Robot Olympiad

It is already 15 years WRO builds this educational platform. 4000 teams from 12 countries participated in the first international competition held in 2004. While in 2018 more than 26.000 teams from 70 countries were involved in the Olympiad.

The aim of the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) is to unite children and youth from all over the world around the idea of robotics and to develop their creativity, planning and problem solving skills. 

Technical information about the competition

The minimum number of participants in the team is 2, maximum – 3. The team should have at least 20-year-old team lead.

Only 6-19 year-old children and youngsters can participate in the competition. Teams can compete in different “categories” (the choice is made in advance):
• Regular competition
• “WRO-Football” competition
• Open competition
• WeDo regular competition.