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muzrusartOn May 18, the International Museum Day, the presentation of the official web page of Russian Art Museum (Prof. A. Abrahamyan’s collection), http://www.rusartmuseum.am/ has taken place with support of “Rostelecom” Armenia.The presentation was held in the most relevant way these days – via Zoom․
Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Narine Khachaturyan, Director of the Russian Art Museum Marine Mkrtchyan, Depuy-Head of External Communications and Media Relations “Rostelecom” Armenia Haykuhi Grigoryan, Spokesperson for the Ministry of High Technology Industry Siranush Gyurjinyan and directorate of “Web Apricot” company were present at the online presentation.
"Congratulations to all of us on International Museum Day. The museum has not had an official website since 2016 and it is no coincidence that after so many years of work, the presentation of the museum website took place on this day. The site has all the innovations required by today's museums with membership, online store, educational programs, as well as online games in the near future. I thank all the supporters for bringing this initiative to life,"-mentioned Marine Mkrtchyan, Director of Russian Art Museum.
“Rostelecom’s support for the web page is a unique occurrence, because as a result of the cooperation with the museum, the company obtained tickets for its loyal subscribers and the whole profit from the sale was allocated to financing of the web page.
“Rostelecom and Russian Art Museum have been cooperating for nearly 4 years. Over that time, the company has supported the museum both in educational programs to make art available to everyone and the application of technologies in art. We are happy the museum finally has a website where it can engage more visitors, now online as well,”-mentioned External Communications and Public Relations Officer of “Rostelecom” Armenia Haykuhi Grigoryan.
The new website is trilingual consisting of 7 sections and 14 subsections, where visitors can get acquainted with the museum history, collection, artists, educational and exhibition activities, etc. Virtual visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the permanent exhibition, while the researchers can explore the entire museum's digitized collection through the “Database” section.
“I congratulate Russian At Museum on the launch of official website. It is nice to see that the website is created in a style typical of classical art museums. I am sure it will help a lot to make the museum more popular”,- mentioned the Deputy Minister of ESCS Narine Khachaturyan.
There is a separate page for membership on the website, and souvenir lovers can get acquainted with souvenir products through the "Museum Store" section. The "Educational Programs" section introduces schoolchildren and adults to the interactive play programs offered by the museum.
"Nowadays it is very important to have a website - an online presence. It allows all people aged 0+ to visit the museum, to enjoy all the charm and value presented in the museum. I am sure that through the website it will be possible to present museum not only locally, but also globally”, mentioned Siranush Gyurjinyan, HTI Minister's Spokesperson.
The site will enable the museum to attract new audiences. It is the best business card for international cooperation.
"I am happy that this long work has finally paid off. Now the doors of the museum are open to the whole world, and everyone can enter the site and get acquainted with the valuable exhibits, feel the pleasure of communicating with art,"-mentioned Arthur Yepremyan, Founding Director of Web Apricot.
The short video recording of the presentation is available here.