(+374 60) 46 46 46info@rtarmenia.am

The service of Smart IP television will turn any type of TV set into a real Smart TV.

Following the innovation trends of IT industry, Rostelecom has developed an interactive IPTV/ОТТ platform, equipped with the latest solutions and opportunities.


How to use the SmartBox


Monthly Payment 4 000 AMD 6 000 AMD 8 500 AMD
Channels 65+ 120+ 150+
Multiroom Opportunity of subscription* Included** Included
Additional SmartBox Opportunity of subscription Opportunity of subscription Opportunity of subscription
SmartBox Wi-Fi Opportunity of subscription For 1 device For 2 devices
Video Recording Opportunity of subscription Included Included
Previous Programs 5 days 5 days 5 days
Activation fee*** 10 000 AMD 10 000 AMD 10 000 AMD



Subscribe now



Дополнительные услуги
Multiroom 500 AMD/Month
Additional SmartBox 2000 AMD/Month
SmartBox Wi-Fi (for 1 device) 500 AMD/Month
Video Recording 1000 AMD/Month


List of channels of tariff package Smart



All prices are presented in AMD, including VAT.

*If there is an opportunity to subscribe, the additional service can be activated in the frame of the current tariff package, paying the defined monthly payment.

**If the additional services is included in the tariff package no additional service fee is charged.

*** For subscribers of Internet services of Rostelecom no service activation fee is charged. One-time activation fee is applied only once, regardless of the number of activated services.

Smart TP channels are not fixed and can be changed at any time by the Operator

The channels are broadcast by LLC "Hybrid Solutions": Broadcasting License N 144.

Tariff plans of jointly provided services.