
On July 4, 2017, at the central sales and service, center located near Republic square, evaluation of photo contest "I love "Rostelecom" because..." was award .Actors and actresses from the “Forigner ” and "OUTDANCE" popular movie were also present at the ceremony.
The photo contest had been held from April 15 to May 31 among active subscribers of the company eligible to participate in it.
The purpose of the photo contest "I love "Rostelecom" because..." was to identify preferences and opinions of subscribers and eventually to thank company's loyal customers.
"Each subscriber’s opinion is obgraty important for us - both about the quality and about the level of service. Every letter, proposal or complaint, I assure you, is studied in details by our specialists. And today we are happy to give one of our loyal subscribers an opportunity to have an incrediblr vacation," said Hayk Faramazyan, general director of “Rostelecom” in Armenia.
The rules of the contest were very simple; subscribers had to post page photos, images or graphic presentations on their Facebook page, which expressing their affection for Rostelecom and its services. Later they had to share these photos on the company’s official page tomeline. From ten photos which gained the greatest number of "Like"s, the commission chose the winners of the first, second and third places.
The first place winner, “Rostelecom” in Armenia subscriber since 2013 Arthur Melikyan from Gyumri 1recived 2 air tickets to Vienna.
Participants from the second and third places received Smart Box devices.