
On May 11, 2018 “Rostelecom” Armenia and the “National Bureau of Expertises” of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at increasing the level of accuracy and objectivity of assessments through replenishment of technological and software latest solutions.
Memorandum parties plan to cooperate on purchasing "PC Crash" computer software and "VZM 300" decelometer device as well as implementing opportunities for this kind of research at the “National Bureau of Expertises” SNCO which will allow to conduct an independent examination in Armenia through the use of modern and widely used solutions allover the world.
"The use of high technologies in various fields has already proven its effectiveness, the increase in the objectivity and accuracy of the work. Numerous programs are being implemented in developed countries to contribute improvement of investigators and specialists’ work quality, as well as promote the provision of high-level services to the public. We are happy to be part of this project and to invest in its implementation which is of high importance for the Armenian society. The cooperation between "Rostelecom” Armenia and the "National Bureau of Expertises" today has one goal - to promote the capture of the real and objective picture of road traffic accidents, which is a guarantee not only for drivers, but for the safety and trust of each member of the society," noted the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia, Hayk Faramazyan.
“The National Bureau of Expertises” SNCO of NAS RA, being a full member of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) has analyzed the experience of European countries in applying modern technologies and latest scientific and practical methods used in the circumstances of road traffic accidents, technical condition of vehicles and judicial-technical expertise. As a result, it became clear that the use of software "PC Crash” and decelerometer "VZM 300" device are one of the best modern solutions for this sphere.
The implementation of modern methods and the use of innovative solutions, modernization of work by the “National Bureau of Expertises” of NAS RA is one of the most important issues in emerging the organization's expertise opportunities in our country. For this reason, such cooperation is very important, and in the framework of cooperation, we highly appreciate support of CJSC "GNC-ALFA", represented by Mr. Faramazyan, for the implementation of modern research opportunities at the “National Bureau of Expertises”. Works on acquisition of internationally recognized expertise methods and methodologies and their implementation greatly contribute to the ongoing quality improvement of the carried-out expertise and the increase of the reliability of the results, "said Director of the "National Bureau of Expertises” SNCO of the NAS RA, Argam Hovsepyan.
“PC Crash” computer software provides the opportunity to conduct an objective and independent research, which allows to get objective information on situation before and during the road traffic accident, i.e. the accident mechanism with the help of mathematical modeling and 3D visualization. "VZM 300" decelometer device allows to investigate and clarify the length of the vehicle braking path while conducting a forensic examination at the traffic accident site, thus helping to obtain objective information about the pace distance, as well as carry out a vehicle braking test, in particular a slowdown registration and braking trace measurement. This will give the opportunity to conduct new scientific researches, being guided not by the methods of the 80s of the last century, but by modern much more accurate investigation method about the size of the braking space.
"National Bureau of Expertises" SNCO is a leading and largest expert organization, which carries out scientific researches in the field of scientific expertise as well as various expertises on about 28 directions and about 128 sub-types.
After signing the memorandum, the guests had a tour in the building, visited the departments of physicotechnical, chemical, phototechnical, portrait, forensic speech and audio analysis, forensic information technology (computer-technical), handwriting, author’s and documents (questioned documents), ballistic, ecological, forensic medical, cultural, Biological/ soil, toxicological expertises, got acquainted with the main activities.
"National Bureau of Expertises" SNCO of NAS RA
"National Bureau of Expertises" SNCO of NAS RA was established on July 22, 2004 in accordance with the RA Government Decree N 1127 (amended and supplemented by the Government Decrees No. 867-N and N 638-N made respectively on June 23, 2005 and June 11, 2009) in the framework of intergovernmental agreement on drug control and law enforcement cooperation signed on June 11, 2007 between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the United States of America.
"National Bureau of Expertises" SNCO is a leading and largest expert organization, which carries out scientific researches in the field of scientific expertise as well as various expertises on about 28 directions and about 128 sub-types including, handwriting, author’s, documents (questioned documents), digital imaging (photo identification), digital imaging (image identification), forensic speech and audio analysis, marks, firearms, explosives, materiological (including drug, paint, glass, fibers), food, biological/ soil, fire and explosive, constructing-technical, road accident, vehicles technical condition, transport-traceological, economic and finance, commodity, forensic information technology (computer-technical), cultural values, engineering-technical, linguistic, psychological, forensic medical, toxicological, odorological.
During the recent years, “National Bureau of Expertises" SNCO of the NAS RA carries out more than 11.000 expertises in a year.
The main functions of the “National Bureau of Expertises” SNCO of the NAS RA are as follows:
• To carry out expertises appointed by authorities performing criminal pursuits and justice in order to promote justice,
• To organize and carry out scientific-research, scientific-technical and scientific-experimental works aimed at the provision and improvement of expertises appointed by competent authorities,
• To teach and train the employees of the competent authorities having the responsibilities to obtain baseline data for the expertises and the power to appoint expertises,
• To coordinate the current research methodologies aimed at ensuring methodological integrity of judicial expertise, develop new ones, test them and guarantee their use.
• To train and improve expertise specialists, as well as to certify their qualification according to the legislation of the RA