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“Rostelecom” Armenia summed up another course of “Azbuka Interneta” project that was organized in cooperation with “Ayb” school and “Wikimedia Armenia”

21 participants who overcame the 24-hour training program in two groups previously responded to the announcement of the company and made registrations. They could not even imagine they would overcome the fear of computers and reveal the secrets of using the Internet resources.

13 volunteer students from “Ayb” school acted as trainers establishing a unique connection between generations and enabling the exchange of experiences.

In 2019 “Azbuka Interneta” project brought together pedagogues, engineers, economists, scientists, chemists and physicists, doctors, editors, and people of other important professions in the scope of the computer literacy development course as a part of lifelong learning.

“I am sure the program was organized just in time because it was already a necessity for me. “Azbuka Interneta” project helps people of all ages adopt modern technologies. First of all, you should predispose yourself, not forget that nothing is given easily in life. Secondly, young people are brave, they are ready to help, teach, empower us. Now we are sure that without the knowledge of modern technologies we can experience inferiority in many areas, while this course creates self-confidence”,- mentioned participant Gohar Petrosyan (pedagogue).

The project is a set of computer skills development courses implemented among middle aged (50+) and older people. It is designed especially for them and includes important units of computer literacy starting from the structure of the computer up to the use of online resources, even other devices (tablets).

"We were very pleased to hear the news that we had the opportunity to attend a training course where we can acquire skills about modern information technologies. There was a very good and working atmosphere. Usually the adults criticize the youth a bit, but this was the place where the young people taught the elders. And we listened very attentively and rejoice. We have brilliant youth who do this job very well, and many of our adult compeers seem to envy us and would like to be here with us for sure",- mentioned participant of the course Georgiy Sharkhatunyan (physicist, 75 years old).

"I decided not to touch the computer at all, because I have not a "zero” but a "minus" knowledge about it. Trainings are very interesting. The children are very attentive, caring and patient. The information we practically use here is especially easy-to-remember. When I go home I read it all over and fully understand the lesson of the day. I have already overcome all my fears, even started to learn some new materials for myself”, - mentioned participant Anahit Sharkhatunyan (chemist, 70 years old).

"I am very happy for this program. Moreover, I have always been waiting for this program and even think that it is a bit late. However, it is very pleasant that the project is organized through young people because young people help, explain unselfishly, with great enthusiasm, are more patient because they realize that learning process at an older age is more complicated. I discovered that a lot of details I didn’t knew. I'm surprised to say that I have been using computer for so long without knowing that. I am very grateful for the project and would like this project to be implementedin the regions of Armenia, because we many teachers in the regions, intellectuals, especially the middle-aged generation, who have great knowledge, but lack of computer knowledge seems to keep them far from news and new opportunities",- mentioned participant Zhanna Zhamharyan (editor, 51 years old).

At the end of the training, the participants passed a final test, checked their knowledge. Besides they were awarded with certificates and gifts. “Ayb” school students were also awarded with certificates, as an evidence of gained invaluable experience and skills in the framework of the project. The video about the training course was published on “Rostelecom” Armenia official Facebook page: https://bit.ly/2WpFHOx .

"The project is unique in its nature and at the same time very important: it enables 50 year-old people and older to complement the gap of their knowledge of computer skills and use the Internet, become a labor market active participant. We congratulate the participants and on behalf of our company wish them new achievements and success",- mentioned the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia Hayk Faramazyan.

“Azbuka Interneta” in Armenia project is being held since 2015. During this period due to the courses more than 300 participants aged 50+ from Yerevan and regions have gained computer skills and raised computer literacy level, overcame their fear.

"Azbuka Interneta" courses are held in Armenian, with the use of a manual specially adapted for Armenian audience, the soft version of which is available on the project’s website: www.azbukainterneta.ru.

The Manual "Azbuka Interneta"

"Azbuka Internet" is an educational manual for users of older generation. The project was specifically designed and adapted for retired people and people of 55+ age, who start to learn the computer already in adulthood.

Here one can find useful and accessible information not only about computer, the operating system, but also about the Internet, online shopping and applications. “Azbuka Interneta” includes such interesting topics as "Working with the text", "Folders", "Working with the Internet", "Safe Internet", "Searching for information on the Internet", "Email", "Sites of state bodies", "Social Internet services", "Online shopping".

The manual has been adapted especially for Armenia and information about online sources of state bodies of Armenia, state services and online services, companies providing public services in the country, news sites are listed here. Detailed information is presented on the website: www.azbukainterneta.ru .