
On March 1, Ayb School “Formula of Success” project hosted Armenian ICT representatives General Director of “Rostelecom" Armenia Hayk Faramazyan and General Director of “Synopsys Armenia “Hovik Musayelyan.
During the master class, General Director of "Rostelecom" Armenia shared his experience and formula of success, presented g his 20 years’ experience in ICT sphere establishing and promoting business, as well as overcoming the barriers.
“Before starting any business, a person has to understand the role e he wants to handle, either he wants to be an employee or a founder, shareholder. Every manager, businessman, succeeds by using own methods, having own dreams and vision, and if we go through the success stories of the world’s most leading entrepreneurs, one thing is inevitable - each of them is the creator of his own success, with unique outline. That is the reason why you should be open for innovations, in spite of the type and sphere of activity", noted Hayk Faramazyan.
According to Faramazyan there are no universal rules for doing business, he said, there are still some stages for start-ups on the way to success.
General Director of the company mentioned that the t first important step for business is the development of business idea n for reaching it we need to dream and need to have inspiring but realistic ideas․
The next step on business development is designing a realistic and well balanced business development strategy, as well as inviting a reliable professional to your staff, establishing favorable environment on workplace for each of them to feel comfortable in company ecosystem.
Summarizing, the head of the most dynamically developing in telecom market company said that one should always be ready to face problems and obstacles, and to move forward without emotions, and to come over the challenges with support of advocates and partners.According to speaker one of the important steps is the process of stabilization, when it is necessary not to lose the sense of reality and not to expand constantly when everything seems good, because the company may face failure and appear downstairs with the enormity of enlargement and development.