
On August 3, 2018 for the first time “Inspired by Her (IBH) Academy” project was launched in Armenia at the Innovation Solutions and Technology Center (ISTC). “Rostelecom” supports the realization of the project in Armenia.
Inspired by Her Academy is a 3 months intensive and practical program focused on Women Empowerment. Through its unique approach, the academy enables women to build up their confidence, get practical tools and strengthen their leadership potential in order to bring out the change they want for themselves and in their communities. Students will benefit from the guidance and mentorship of accomplished women and men leaders locally and internationally, will have the chance to build their own initiatives and through their achievements to became an inspiration for themselves and for others.
As well as the director of the project in Armenia, Venera Araqelyan presented the project agenda, trainings and procedures. The educational project coordinator of the hosting ISTC center, Inna Amirkhanyan said they were happy to host such an interesting project.
The project consists of three phases:
• On the first phase participants gain diverse knowledge and skills from experienced professionals about various topics: marketing, management, communication skills, personal growth, social entrepreneurship, etc. At the end of this phase participants make groups according to common ideas and start working in teams.
• The second phase is a mentor program: the participants turn their ideas into a project and start planning the implementation of the project.
• During the third phase the project is presented to the jury who will choose the best project and the best participant. The program will end up with graduation event, connecting all beneficiaries. The best alumni will get the opportunity to participate in an international exchange program abroad –to live, learn and gain work experience for 6 weeks outside their own environment.

We also note, that from August 1 the project is held in Pakistan as well, with almost the same program. Later it will be launched in London.
About “Inspired by Her Academy”
The idea of “Inspired by Her” project was born in Afghanistan in 2014 when the world's largest youth organization AIESEC, Afghani chapter, for the first time in their history elected a foreign and female president – Olga Cegorean. It was a unique moment which made history. From 4 candidates all male and locals, a young Moldovan girl was chosen to lead the people in Afghanistan. Her story inspired many, other went very skeptical that a foreigner and a female would be able to bring to the organization and country more than a local could do.
IBH is one of Olga Cegorean’s ideas which she brought for the AIESEC and its 1st edition was organized during her leadership. After the first edition which gathered together 200 girls, the positive feedback from all project’s stakeholders IBH turned to be a success which is changing the lives of hundred girls with each of its edition.
Now, IBH is much more than what it was in its first edition. It grows into an independent and international organization which is gradually expanding further and going global.
In 2017 IBH in a new "shape" and more developed concept, successfully ran its first edition in Lahore, Pakistan.