
On May 20, 2016 Yerevan branch of Russian University of Economics after V. Plekhanov organized a “Career day” Conference aimed at expanding cooperation with education and business, presenting the working style of leading companies to students and professors, assisting students’ training and employment process.
Representatives of a number of private companies in Armenia such as “Rostelecom” in Armenia, “Rusal Armenal” CJSC, “Rosgosstrakh Armenia” CJSIC, “INGO Armenia” CJSIC, Business school, consulting institutions, as well as organizers of the conference Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan and commercial representation of Russian Federation to Armenia participated in the conference.
During the conference “Rostelecom” presented student oriented programs and projects, the given opportunities, as well as awarded student-volunteers who have recently educated elderly people in the scope of “Azbuka Interneta” course held at the University.
Student-volunteers were awarded considering their patient and caring attitude during the courses as well as their readiness to support the elderly.
Since 2015 students of the university have been involved in the “Azbuka Interneta” project organized by “Rostelecom” in Armenia as student-volunteers to teach computer skills to elderly people. The courses are held with a specially developed manual.
The Manual "Azbuka Interneta"
"Azbuka Interneta" is an educational manual for users of older generation. The project was specifically designed and adapted for retired people and people of 55+ age, who start to learn the computer already in adulthood.
Here one can find useful and accessible information not only about computer, the operating system, but also about the Internet, online shopping and applications. “Azbuka Iterneta” includes such interesting topics as "Working with the text", "Folders", "Working with the Internet", "Safe Internet", "Searching for information on the Internet", "Email", "Sites of state bodies", "Social Internet services", "Online shopping".
The manual has been adapted especially for Armenia and here are presented state bodies of Armenia, state services and online services, companies providing public services in the country, news sites.
Yerevan branch of Russian University of Economics after V. Plekhanov
Being an educational, methodic, cultural, scientific and industrial center Yerevan branch of Russian University of Economics after V. Plekhanov develops and irrespective of the residence presents everybody high-quality education for their full and effective participation in social and professional fields. It also realizes joint projects, develops cooperation of Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia in the sphere of education.
The educational process at the Yerevan branch of Russian University of economics after V. Plekhanov is based on the usage of new educational systems, on the combination of informational computer technologies and traditional methods.
At present the branch realizes educational programs for secondary professional education based on nine-year education.
The following scientific-research centers operate in the branch:
• Russian-Armenian center of Russian language and literature: it was founded jointly with the Russian Center of Science and education in Yerevan
• Russian Armenian business consulting center
• CISCO Academy founded with the assistance of Russian Federation Embassy to Armenia
Detailed information about the university is placed on the official website ( ).