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In December, 2019 more than 300 children from borderline villages of Vayots Dzor region will receive   the gifts mentioned in the letter to Santa Clause and all these as a result of joint activities implemented by “Rostelecom” Armenia and “Kind Santa Clause” charity project.


“Rostelecom” has joined the gift-collecting process by providing gifts, as well as accepting  the gifts in the sales and service centers in Yerevan (https://www.rtarmenia.am/contact) and transferring them to the project staff.

 In 2019 the project comprise of 4 borderline villages of Vayots Dzor region: Khndzorut, Bardzruni, Sers and Martiros. All schoolchildren  have written letters that  are  placed on www.santaclaus.am website, and  since then anybody may become a Santa Clause ccultivating kindness and warmth to the children.

“Everyone is waiting for New Year miracles, and we must take every opportunity to make it accessible for at least the children living in the farthest and borderline villages. We have joined the initiative with our resources and gifts being quite sure that there can never be created anything more precious and of a greater value than smiling kids ”,- mentioned Hayk Faramazyan,  “Rostelecom” Armenia CEO.

"Kind Santa Claus" charity program is targeted at disabled and orphan children from vulnerable groups as well as children living in the bordering villages and is implemented through the letters addressed to Santa Claus uploaded on www.santaclaus.am website. Anyone can reply to the letters on the website, by sending the child’s desired gift mentioned in the letter to "Kind Santa Claus" program and in the end of December the Santa Clause will personally hand the presents to the authors of that letter.

“The idea to launch the project came up in 2008 when I was serving in the army, and now, 11 years later, I am happy to announce  that it has become one of the best projects at New Year’s Eve. It is a unique emotional bridge between donors and recipient children, conveying feelings of joy and happiness to both parties. The project’s motto is “Let’s not ruin children’s hearts today and not leave their  cherished dreams unfulfilled, for  tomorrow it  may become costly for society",- mentioned the project founder, Director of “Proportional Development” community development NGO Makar Yeghiazaryan.

 So, now anyone may become a Santa Clause before December 26 leaving the gift or gifts at “Rostelecom” sales and service centers in Yerevan mentioning the name of the kid.

The cooperation between “Rostelecom” Armenia and “Kind Secret Santa” project has become yet in December 2015 when as a result of the cooperation “Rostelecom” Armenia sent tablets to the children from borderline villages of Voskepar and Baghanis, Tavush region as  a response to their letters.  In 2016 the company again joined the process of collecting the gifts and provided books to the participant children of the project.


How to become a Santa Claus

The staff of "Kind Santa Claus" program has already collected the letters from children from the bordering villages addressed to Santa Claus.

The letters have been scanned and uploaded to www.santaclaus.am website where one can become a Santa Claus, following the steps,

l  Entering the website, you need to choose letters of one or more children by clicking on "Become Santa Claus" button.

l  Clicking on the button there will open a window for filling data and filling it the visitor  submits an application for donation to the corresponding letter writer.

l  The program staff will contact the applicant and after receiving the gifts they will send a receipt, as well as gifts can be left at  the nearest “Rostelecom” sales and service center.

l  By the end of December gifts will be transferred to recipient children by the Santa Claus.

Due to the project rules anyone both from Armenia and abroad can become a Santa Claus.