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On July 7, 2020 there took place the launch of “Resilient (digital) community” program in Berdavan village of Tavush region. The program is implemented at the initiative of “SOS Systems” company and with support of “Rostelecom” Armenia.

The program is aimed at building a modern model of resilient community in borderline villages. In the first stage of the program, “Notification and awareness”, efforts were undertaken for development of the infrastructure and modern solutions were applied to ensure the security of the community.

The skilled, experienced specialists of “Rostelecom” Armenia and “SOS Systems” company have built an over 3 km-long fiber-optic internal network in accordance with the latest generation standards, providing multifunctional sources of operative communication, designed to ensure the security of the most vulnerable part of the community border.

The berdavan.login.am cloud platform has also been introduced, which allows residents to learn about the amount of utility payments, see the amount of property tax and make non-cash payments, make inquiries and vote without leaving the house.

“From the beginning, “Rostelecom" has started its activities from the regions, and we consider our participation and support in this project as a continuation of the adopted strategy. We aim at overcoming digital inequality and making modern digital technologies more accessible. This program will allow us to create a common digital environment for residents and make life more comfortable. The installed infrastructure seriously raises the level of security in the borderline part of the reion, as well as provides an environment for rapid response to a number of urgent and vital issues for residents,” mentioned Commercial Director of “Rostelecom” Armenia, Vasily Rusakov. 

“Rostelecom” has also assisted in creating a video conferencing system, which will provide live communication between the community-regional administration-the relevant ministry and other institutions.

“It was very difficult to realize the project in this borderline village and secure with the necessary infrastructure. However, with the support of our partner “Rostelecom” Armenia we succeeded in proving the community with free high-speed internet connection, due to which the new digital infrastructures are exploited and they guarantee uninterrupted communication between the regional administration and other circles. This cooperation is pivotal for the implementation of this phase of the program and for the realization of further phases,” mentioned the Founder of “SOS Systems company, Ara Yaghjyan.

“Today is a very important day for us, as not only in Tavush region but also in the entire republic the first resilient community has been created. Assessing the potential of the community, we tried to ensure the maximum resilience of the borderline area, and of course, in the 21st century, without taking into account digital technologies, it would not be possible to organize all this. Today we state the investment of a number of digital infrastructures in Berdavan community, due to which we are able to quickly establish direct contact with the community, learn and operatively respond to the existing problems. I congratulate all of us on this important achievement," mentioned Governor of Tavush region, Hayk Chobanyan.

Within the framework of the "Resilient (digital) community" program, it is planned to introduce fire-fighting systems in the near future, as well as to organize video-healthcare and video-training.