
On July 1, 2016 one more course aimed to raise computer literacy of middle aged citizens came to the end. It was organized in the scope of “Azbuka Interneta” project in Armenia.
The second course for middle aged and elderly students consisted of 12 lessons. In each group 60-75 year-old 16 participants took part and got certificates in the end of the course.
The course plan is developed by “Rostelecom” for middle aged students and is held in Armenia jointly with Russian Center for Science and Culture in the computer rooms of Yerevan branch of the Russian Economic University after G. V. Plekhanov. Student-volunteers trained middle aged students using “Azbuka Interneta” specially developed manual.
The trainers have passed special training courses to be aware of how to get in touch with 50+ aged students and the project was held using the most accessible methods.
““Rostelecom” in Armenia highlights the importance of the realization of this project in Armenia and taking into consideration the active participation of the appliers, in the nearest future the courses will continue. We can state that the project succeeded and thanks to the acquired skills elderly participants furtherly get more success”, - mentioned Siranush Gyurjinyan, Head of Public Relations Department.
It should be pointed out that in the framework of “Azbuka Interneta” project “Rostelecom” holds “Thank you, Internet 2016” competition for middle mged people. More details can be found on the section “About the competition” of the website
The Manual "Azbuka Interneta"
"Azbuka Internet" is an educational manual for users of older generation. The project was specifically designed and adapted for retired people and people of 55+ age, who start to learn the computer already in adulthood.
The manual has useful and accessible information not only on PC, operating systems, but also on the Internet, online shopping and applications. “Azbuka Iterneta” includes such interesting topics as "Working with the text", "Folders", "Working with the Internet", "Safe Internet", "Searching for information on the Internet", "Email", "Sites of state bodies", "Social Internet services", "Online shopping".
The manual has been adapted especially for Armenia and very useful information on state bodies of Armenia, state services and online services, companies providing public services in the country, news is presented there.