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On October 22 “Rostelecom” Armenia organized the awarding ceremony for the winners of the student contest announced by the company ahead of September. The ceremony was held  at the central sales and service center of the company where the students were awarded by the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia Hayk Faramazyan.

The start of ““Rostelecom” stipend” essay contest was announced on August 26, ahead of the new academic year, and for about one month students could express  their ideas about education and innovation technologies in the essays under the topic “How I would use innovation technologies in education”.

“Each student  uses technological innovations regardless their specialization. The contest was aimed at reminding once again about  the contribution they may have in the process of further technological developments: it is very important for us to reveal all those opportunities and applications, they see in their everyday life and would like to use. I am sure many of their ideas will be implied  in new startups in  future, and the founders of which, why not, may be students themselves”, - mentioned the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia Hayk Faramazyan.

All essays were reviewed by the special committee comprised of “Rostelecom” employees. As a result, the best 3 essays were awarded accordingly:

1st place – Lilit Khachikyan (YSU, Informatics and Applied Mathematics, 1st year) 300,000 AMD (30,000 AMD monthly for 10 months)

https://www.rtarmenia.am/images/terms/Lilit_Khachikyan.pdf ,

2nd place – Lilit Galstyan (Sevan State Multifunctional College, Software for Computer and Automated Systems, 2nd year)  200,000 AMD (20,000 AMD monthly for 10 months)

https://www.rtarmenia.am/images/terms/Lilit_Galstyan.pdf ,

3rd place – Alexander Talalyan (NPUA High School) 100,000 AMD (10,000 AMD monthly for 10 months)

https://www.rtarmenia.am/images/terms/Alexander_Talalyan.pdf .


Winner-participants’ essays are placed on the company official website: https://www.rtarmenia.am/news/view/student-scholarship-sumup

We remind that students from Armenian universities (bachelor and master’s programs), vocational institutions and high school pupils (grades 10, 11 and 12) could apply for the contest. It was a mandatory condition for the participants or one of their family members to be a “Rostelecom” subscriber.

Company congratulated the winners and thanked everybody for participation.