(+374 60) 46 46 46info@rtarmenia.am





Following the global situation because of the spread of a new strain of coronavirus epidemic and considering the March 16 decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia to declare a state of emergency in the country, “Rostelecom” continues to take steps to provide high-quality, uninterrupted services and to organize customer service remotly.
Realizing company’s high responsibility in the current situation, "Rostelecom" Armenia has taken a number of steps to prevent the spread of the virus both among the employees and customers. the company's head office and all sales and service centers are disinfected, majority of subdivisions’ employees are provided with the necessary measures for remote working at the same time fully ensuring the company’s operation.
"The spread of COVID19 virus is disturbing and sobering. We are well aware that at present it is very important to be informed and in constant secure communication. These days, the company has taken all necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus, to raise the level of awareness among employees, and at the same time to provide quality services to customers. The staff of "Rostelecom" company spares no effort, works in an intensified mode, providing uninterrupted, high-quality telecommunication services. I wish all of us good health",- mentioned CEO of Rostelecom Armenia, Hayk Faramazyan.
These days, the company works in a special mode, providing high quality uninterrupted services in a 24/7 mode.
- Telephone service is available for existing customers by calling 060 46 00 00, with the help of which it is possible to make a number of transactions without leaving home (contract renewal, service increase, suspension, change of tariff plan, etc.).
- The company's Call Center and Technical department operate in around the clock mode.
- It is possible to subscribe to the company's services by visiting the Online subscription page: https://subscribe.rtarmenia.am/ , which operates in 24/7 mode, as well as by telephone subscription by calling 060 46 46 46 around the clock number.
- All kids և entertainment TV channels are available to company’s all subscribers, providing a pleasant and interesting self-isolation at home.
- Payments for the services provided by the company can be made online through the official website of the company: https://rtarmenia.am/payonline .
- Subscribers can call the hotline number8003 of the Ministry of Health for FREE.
Considering the safety of employees and customers and the goals of preventing the new COVID 19 epidemic “Rostelecom” announces that from March 17, 2020 onwards, company’s all sales and service centers will be temporarily closed. Additional information regarding the reopening of the centers will be provided later.
The company urges to follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health and take all preventive measures.
Be healthy and aware.