
On March 11, 2016 in the framework of the project “Azbuka Interneta in the Republic of Armenia” open lessons for Middle aged people started at the Yerevan branch of Russian University of Economics after V. Plekhanov. 60-80 aged 12 participants took part in the lessons.
The project is realized among Russian speaking people jointly with Russian center for science and culture in Yerevan. In the nearest future open lessons will be organized for Armenian speaking people as well. The project will be realized in Yerevan and in some large cities of Armenia.
The lessons are held by student-volunteers, who have already passed a special course of Training of trainers for Middle aged classes. 50+ age 12 representatives already have passed a course and use the Internet freely sice 2015.
“Rostelecom” in Armenia invites all interested aged people to register and participate in this unique project.
The Manual "Azbuka Interneta"
"Azbuka Internet" is an educational manual for users of older generation. The project was specifically designed and adapted for retired people and people of 55+ age, who start to learn the computer already in adulthood.
Here one can find useful and accessible information not only about computer, the operating system, but also about the Internet, online shopping and applications. “Azbuka Iterneta” includes such interesting topics as "Working with the text", "Folders", "Working with the Internet", "Safe Internet", "Searching for information on the Internet", "Email", "Sites of state bodies", "Social Internet services", "Online shopping".
The manual has been adapted especially for Armenia and here are presented state bodies of Armenia, state services and online services, companies providing public services in the country, news sites.
About the competition “Thank You, Internet-2015”
More than 2,000 Internet users of Middle Age (50+) from the 78 regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia, who have learnt how to use a computer and internet on their own or through special computer courses participated in the competition. According to the decision of the Board special prizes were given to three participants of the competition from the Republic of Armenia.
The competition in Armenia was held by “Rostelecom” Armenia with the support of Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan.
Armenia became the first country where local people were allowed to take part in a Russian speaking competition.
For more information, please, visit the official website of the project “Azbuka Interneta”.