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High speed WiFi, new service and sales point in Dalma Garden Mall: Rostelecom expansion


Dalma Garden MallRostelecom has provided public area of Dalma Garden Mall, the biggest trade center in Yerevan, with high speed WiFi Internet connection.

Meanwhile, a new sales and service point was launched in Dalma Garden Mall to ease the process of services provision to the customers visiting the center.

«Starting from January Rostelecom sales and service point is operating in Dalma Garden Mall first floor. We are happy to announce that the sales point has become popular among the visitors for its innovative style and attractiveness as well. In the same time considering the needs of the customers we have provided the trade center with high speed WiFi connection» - announced Rostelecom group member GNC ALFA CJSC General Director Hayk Faramazyan.

In the newly opened sales ans service point anyone may

  • Get acquainted with Rostelecom services
  • Subscribe
  • Make changes in tariff plans and services
  • Get answers to the questions and problems
  • Implement other activities concerning Rostelecom services.

The service and sales point is located on the first floor of Dalma Garden Mall (near the supermarket City) and is working hours are 10:00-22:00.