(+374 60) 46 46 46info@rtarmenia.am



Installment Payment Service at Emergency Situation


Supporting its subscribers, Rostelecom has developed a new opportunity for all those who find it difficult to pay for services rendered during the emergency situation.

This time, the company will provide its subscribers with the option of paying off with instalments so that they can continue to use the services without interruption even on the most difficult days.

If due to an emergency, the subscriber has accumulated 10,000 AMD  or more in debt for the services of the previous months and it is difficult for him to pay it, he will be able to pay off the instalment debt over the next 3 months.

To activate the instalment payment service, just call 060 46 46 46, extend the current contract for 1 year, and that’s all, the company will organize everything.

Details here