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Emphasizing the role of corporate social responsibility in solving society's problems, "Rostelecom” provides serial assistance to our wounded servicemen.

This time, the company directed all the financial means  for the corporate Christmas gifts to the purchase of wheelchairs for the disabled servicemen receiving treatment at the Homeland Defender's Rehabilitation Center ("Soldier's House"), Erebuni Medical Center and the National Burn Center.

The wheelchairs were selected according to the comfort of the servicemen, taking into account the individual needs of each and the instructions of the doctors.

Within the framework of the initiative, the General Director of Rostelecom Hayk Faramazyan visited the Homeland Defender's Rehabilitation Center, where he toured with the center's chief doctor, rehabilitation specialist Lusine Poghosyan, got acquainted with the center's conditions and the problems that servicemen face while receiving treatment.

"It is very important for us now to stand by all the servicemen who did not spare their lives and health for the defense of our homeland. Their heroism is invaluable, these and other similar initiatives organized by us aim to alleviate the needs of the servicemen to some extent, to express our readiness to support the army, and soldiers. I am sure that our partners will welcome our step, and  why not, join us supporting  up with similar initiatives. We thank all the servicemen, and wish the wounded a fast recovery ",-  mentioned the CEO of “Rostelecom” Armenia, Hayk Faramazyan,.

“Rostelecom” always cooperates with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, supporting the strengthening of the homeland's borders by all possible means, the provision of favorable conditions for soldiers, the processes of providing insurance to servicemen.