Rostelecom introduces a new package of services “Trio Constructor”

Rostelecom introduces a very unique offer in the telecom industry. “Trio Constructor” allows you to create your personal package of services consisted of broadband internet, IPTV and fixed line telephony.
“Trio Constructor” was designed and created based on an extensive research and is flexible enough to satisfy the needs of every subscribers.
You subscribe to “Trio Constructor” services for as low as 10000 dram.
Below are the variations of “Trio Constructor” tariff plans.
There is vast number of combinations, create your personal package of services!
“Trio Constructor” services were introduced to the public via numerous so called “Flash mobs” which have been organized in the different parts of Yerevan (Usisain Avenue, Dalma Garden mall, Nor Norq, Komitas street, supermarket Yerevan City in Davtashen and Kaizer supermarket in the administrative district Ajapnyak.
Watch the video report here